Algae Oil DHA
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Algae Oil DHA

CAS No 6217-54-5

Catalog DS6217545

Source Chlorella or microalgae

Ingredient Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

Storage Store in a cool, dry, ventilated place, sealed away from light.

Package 25 kg/drum

Shelf life 24 months

Dietary Supplements

Health Food Industry

Food Ingredients

AppearanceWhite powderLight yellow to orange oily liquid
DHA Content7%, 10%, 15%, 99%35%, 40%, 50%

As its name suggests, algae oil is a type of oil derived from algae. It is rich in the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which cannot be synthesized by the human body. The content of DHA in the human cerebral cortex is as high as 40% of the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) , and it accounts for about 60% of the PUFAs in the retina. As with protein, DHA plays a very important role in intellectual development, vision development and disease prevention. Thus, algae oil rich in DHA is widely used in the food and health care industries, including infant formula, gummies, edible oil, liquid milk and soft capsules.

Unlike traditional fish sources such as cold-water fatty fish, algae oil is a more sustainable source of DHA and offers vegetarian options. Notably, algae oil is not equivalent to specific types of algae, such as blue-green algae, brown algae, or chlorella. In addition, algae oil is also different from other sources of DHA or EPA, especially fish oil.

Benefits of Algal Oil

Pregnant women need more omega-3 fatty acids, and taking health products or health products containing algae oil that are rich in DHA during pregnancy can benefit the baby's brain development.

Promote a healthy pregnancy

Promote a healthy pregnancy

A high level of DHA is found in the retina, and DHA can benefit eye health and protect against vision problems. Therefore, consumption of DHA algae oil can promote eye health and relieve some symptoms of vision diseases such as age-related macular degeneration.

Promote eye health

Promote eye health

Algal oil can help regulate the heart rate, lower blood pressure, and prevent blood clots, which reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Algal oil also helps decrease triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels in the body.

Support cardiovascular health

Support cardiovascular health

The high content of omega-3 fatty acids in algae oil not only reduces the swelling and pain caused by osteoarthritis, but also reduces inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract caused by inflammatory bowel disease.

Reduce inflammation

Reduce inflammation

Difference Between Algae Oil and Fish Oil

Traditional fish oil is derived from fish and seafood and it contains the omega-3 fatty acids eicosaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Although fish oil and algae oil both contain DHA, there are some differences in terms of DHA content, product safety, and target groups.

  • Content

The fatty acid composition of fish oil is mainly EPA and DHA. The EPA content of the total fatty acids in fish oil is much higher than DHA. Since DHA fish oil is extracted from deep-sea fish, it inevitably contains EPA components, which are difficult to separate using current technology. Algae oil, on the other hand, has a higher purity and content of DHA than fish oil. Algae oil is primarily composed of DHA, while EPA content is relatively low and its ratio is generally much greater than 10:1.

  • Safety

Algae oil is more safe than fish oil. This is because fish oil is derived from marine fish that contain more pollutants and heavy metals. In contrast, algae oil is extracted from algae that live at the bottom of the food chain. Algae are more difficult to accumulate heavy metals than marine fish at the top of the food chain. These heavy metals may cause serious damage to the human nervous system.

  • Target group

High levels of EPA can retard the growth and development of infants. Algae oil, which contains high DHA and low EPA, is the best supplement for infants and young children between 6 months and 3 years of age, whereas fish oil is suitable for children over 3 years of age. Moreover, DHA algae oil can also meet the dietary requirements of different groups due to its "vegetarian" property.

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